- Dan Moore has over 25 years of experience in software development, including roles like engineering manager, CTO, and now Head of Developer Relations at FusionAuth.
- Measuring business value and setting metrics is important but challenging in developer relations. Approaches include tracking website visitors, signups, tutorial engagement, etc. It requires talking to the business to understand priorities.
- The best thing about developer relations is the variety of tasks, but also the worst as it can feel scattered trying to focus on many different things at once.
- FusionAuth is an authentication and authorization service that makes it easy for developers to add features like magic links, passwordless login, social login (Google, etc.) to their apps through simple configuration.
- Developer relations roles are increasing, so there are good opportunities for those interested in the field. Companies need a mix of traditional engineers and developer relations professionals.
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- FusionAuthăŻăèȘ蚌ă»èȘćŻă”ăŒăăčă§ăăăéçșè ăç°ĄćăȘèšćźă§ăăžăăŻăȘăłăŻăăăčăŻăŒăăŹăčăă°ă€ăłăăœăŒă·ăŁă«ăă°ă€ăłïŒGoogleăȘă©ïŒăȘă©ăźæ©èœăç°Ąćă«ăąăăȘă«èżœć ă§ăăă
- ăăăăăăŒăȘăŹăŒă·ă§ăłăźćœčćČăŻćąăăŠăăăăăźćéă«èćłăźăăäșșă«ăŻèŻăæ©äŒăăăăäŒæ„ă«ăŻăćŸæ„ăźăšăłăžăăąăšăăăăăăŒăȘăŹăŒă·ă§ăłăźăăăă§ăă·ă§ăă«ăæ··ćšăăŠăăćż èŠăăăă
Date æ„ä» | 2023/11/17 |